Good News Invades Earth - Part 2
- Speaker:
- Revd Steve Clark
Part 2 of an internet based course on Christian Healing ministry
This eLearning course will help you explore some of the practical aspects of praying for others in a safe and effective manner. If you would like to take this course, you should have completed Good News Invades Earth Part 1, or a similar broad introductory event on Christian healing. As it is important that your church leader is aware that you are exploring this ministry, we will communicate to her/him that you have applied for GNIE part II.
This joint venture between Norwich Diocese and Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre will contain a range of inputs (text, sound, video...) and frequent opportunities to engage in forums and other forms of dialogue with other learners and with Steve and other facilitators who are experienced prayer ministers.
eLearning is a wonderful way to learn and the course will only require basic knowledge of computers but an internet connection is needed.
You can work at your time and your own pace and join in discussions of the teaching materials by writing your own comments or questions for other course members to respond to. There will be high quality facilitators who will help to stimulate the Forums (online discussions) and contribute to the tricky questions that will arise.
Desired outcomes of the course
- To come to an awareness of our own needs and vulnerabilities as a precursor to praying for others
- To understand our role in bringing the healing of Jesus to our broken world.
- To grow in understanding of how to pray for others.
- To understand the importance of safety in prayer ministry
- To experience the healing/saving /transforming touch of God in our own lives.
Course dates
25/9/16 Introduction to familiarise everyone with the site and how the course works
2/10/16 Week 1 Where do we start? Aware of our brokenness and collaborating with Father
9/10/16 Week 2 Who can pray? Exploring James 5 and understanding authority
16/10/16 Week 3 So let’s pray Exploring how we might pray for others
23/10/16 Week 4 Being a Prayer Minister Some training for being a prayer minister
30/10/16 Week 5 Safety First Caring for those we pray for and caring for ourselves
5/11/16 Evaluation
Cost £40
(special rates for those living in the Diocese of Norwich. Cost a problem? Ring Crowhurst 01424 830204)
Book onto the course by ringing 01424 830204 to pay by card or write (including your name, address, email address and a cheque. Please also include the email address of your church leader.)